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Charlotte Milligan – Trainee Blog

I did my A-levels at Beverley Joint Sixth form and I really enjoyed the more analytical subjects such as History and English Literature. However, I did not want to study the contents of those subjects at university. I then chose to study Law at University and received my A-level results amid Covid-19 (so I never sat my exams) and then attended University at York St John.

During my first year I undertook some work experience (with a focus on contract law) however it was hard to gain a true picture of what legal work was like as it was all online (due to covid) so it was hard to get a true representation. I then decided, once the effects of Covid-19 had slowed down to apply for work experiences/ vacation schemes. I completed the Rollits vacation scheme in June 2022 and I both enjoyed the work I did and enjoyed spending time at the firm, which then led me to apply for my training contract here.

I completed my Law LLB in 2023 graduating with a first-class degree and stayed on at York St John to complete my LPC LLM.

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