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Under English law people are entitledto represent themselves in civil proceedings; there is nothing toprevent a person representing themselves in the English courtswithout a solicitor. The number of parties representing...
From 3 November 2014 administration of Divorce Proceedings previously issued in Hull has been centralised to a Humber & South Yorkshire cluster based at a Divorce Centre in Doncaster Magistrates...
ABOUT THE ARTIST John Creighton is anestablished artist living and working in Ryedale with recentexhibitions showing in The Mercer Art Gallery in Harrogate, TheCrescent in Scarborough, The City Art Gallery...
In a landmark decisiondelivered today by the Employment Appeals Tribunal, the EAT hasruled that holiday pay should include “normal remuneration” whichwill include overtime or commission. This is a decision which...
I was interested to read, in the 3 October edition of “Inside Housing” magazine, an article by Mark Henderson, Chief Executive of Home Housing Group, in which he writes of...
Rollits has made a newappointment to its planning and development team with therecruitment of Libby Clarkson upon completion of her trainingcontract with the firm. Libby, who joined the firm asa...
In a recent case, Ellis vRatcliff Palfinger Ltd the Employment Appeal Tribunal consideredwhether an employee, Mr Ellis had been automatically unfairlydismissed for taking time off to deal with emergencies involvingtheir...
Changes coming into force from 1 October 2014 National Minimum Wage Increases: Adult rate from £6.31 to £6.50/hour Workers 18 – 20 years of age from £5.03 to £5.31/hour Young...
The Intellectual Property & Enterprise Court last week refused to grant an interim injunction to the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain (UOGB) against rival black-tie-clad strummers the United Kingdom Ukulele...
There has been a recent trend of what have been described as “revenge evictions” by both social and private landlords. As the nickname implies, such evictions are a means of...
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