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CHANGES to planning laws will help the Humber region dealwith the growing number of developments related to renewableenergy. New planning rules mean the area is better prepared for theoften hi-tech...
A reminder to businesses about Olympic trade marks and related rights Almost 5 years ago, following the much-publicised launch of the logo for the London 2012 Olympics, I wrote an...
Rollits has advised the management team on a managementbuy-out of TD Travel Limited in a deal backed by private equityfirm LDC. TD travel was established over 25 years ago and...
As of 5 April 2012 the following changes to the EmploymentTribunal Rules announced by the Government in November 2011 willcome into effect: 1. Providing for witness statements to stand as...
The reform the planning system remains a high priority of the Government and a number of further proposals were announced in the 2012 Budget. 1.) The National Planning Policy Framework...
As of 19 March 2012 any designated money claims are no longer to be issued in your local county court. Her Majesty`s Courts and Tribunals Service has developed a new...
There have been cases where properties have beenfraudulently transferred without the property owner`s knowledge.The properties which are most vulnerable to fraud are those whichare empty, tenanted or mortgage free. A...
Mediation is an effective tool in resolving disputes for many reasons. The use of mediation can allow a dispute between parties to be resolved both quickly and at a lower...
Leases will almost always require a Tenant to keep a property in good repair and decorate internally and externally on a periodic basis. Also, it is common for a lease...
On 9 November 2011, Supreme Court gave their long awaited judgment in the case of Kernott v Jones. In a groundbreaking judgment, the Supreme Court held that that where 2...
The Department of Energy and Climate Change opened itsconsultation on Feed-in Tariffs for Solar PV as part of thecomprehensive review on renewable energy subsidy on 31 October2011. The intent expressed...
Rollits has recruited another employment specialist tojoin their Employment Group, bringing the number of lawyers in thefirm providing clients with dedicated employment advice tofive. Ed Heppel, is experienced in both...
The Tigers Trust`s highly successful Enterprise Academycan look forward to a secure future after receiving sponsorshipfrom a leading local law firm. Rollits recently entered into a three-year communitysponsorship agreement, providing...
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