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Rollits has celebrated 23 amazing years of fundraising forDove House Hospice and the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign by raisingover £105,000 for the two charities through our annual golfday. The golf day,...
Rollits` planning team is seeing more and more enquiries about small scale renewable energy proposals. Most relate to PV panel installation, but some householders and small business are looking seriously...
We have seen a marked increase in enquiries in relation toemployers` concerns in relation to things said by employees both inand out of working time on social networkingsites. Whilst the...
Adjudication is a quick fix, interim measure to determine disputes between parties to a construction contract within a prescribed period, usually 28 days. Due to the speed by which disputes...
Last week saw the first prosecution and conviction under the Bribery Act 2010, which came into force on 1 July 2011. The prosecution was made under Section 2 (1) of...
We are pleaased to announce that Christina Sledmore hasbeen promoted following her qualification as asolicitor. Christina started working at Rollits as a trainee in 2009and now joins the Dispute Resolution...
The Regulations came into force on 1 October 2011 andintroduce new rights for agency workers, including the right to`equal treatment` in respect of certain “basic working conditions”as permanent staff after...
In a speech today George Osborne set out the Government`s”activist economic strategy to deal with the country`s debts,promote growth and spread prosperity”. As part of the Government`sstrategy he identified a...
National Minimum Wage rates increased on 1 October 2011.Under the new rates, the adult minimum wage rate will now apply to21 year olds (the previous qualifying age was22). The rates...
Rollits Food Group has advised Riverford OrganicVegetables on its acquisition of BoxFresh Organics and itswholesale arm Flights Orchard Organics. Riverford is the UK`s largest box scheme supplier of organicfruit, vegetables...
Many small businesses start off as sole traders or partnerships. These are called unincorporated businesses and are an alternative to trading through a company. There are sound reasons for starting...
Wednesday 21 September 2011 from 12 noon – 2pm at the RajPavillion, 56a/58 Beverley Road, Kingston Upon Hull, HU31YE Rollits is pleased to sponsor the inaugural Hull CurryClub. Regular monthly...
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