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Commission paymentsshould be included in holiday pay. The Leicester EmploymentTribunal has now delivered its decision in the case of Lock andOthers v British Gas Trading Limited. The case concerned Mr...
On 4 March 2015, the House of Lords approved the Government’s proposals to increase civil court fees. New court fees for civil claims were therefore introduced on Monday, 9 March...
A woman whose marriage brokedown more than 30 years ago has won the right to seek a lump sumfrom her ex-husband who became a millionaire more than a decadeafter they...
Parties to litigation will be familiar with the principles of Part 36. This key provision in the Civil Procedure Rules is designed to encourage settlement, by entitling litigants who make...
Last year the case of Sharland was reported which is a cautionary tale for husbands and wives. In that case Mr Sharland owned a company and at the final hearing...
The new Fit for Work Service(“FFW”) has been much discussed at our seminars over the course ofthe previous 12 months. You will recall that thecreation of the now called Fit...
Like overindulging during Christmas it was difficult to avoid the headlines declaring that the European Courts had ruled that obesity was a disability. In fact, the European Court of Justice...
From 1 October 2014,amendments to the Consumer Protection from Unfair TradingRegulations 2008 gave consumers a new right to claims damages froma business which is found to be in breach of...
The case of Bear Scotland Ltd and others v Fulton and others resulted in a finding by the EAT on 4 November 2014 that holiday pay must be calculated so...
In British Gas Trading Limited v Oak Cash & Carry Limited [2014] EWHC 4058 (QB), the High Court refused relief from sanctions where the failure to file a listing questionnaire...
Not deterred by the failure oftheir first Judicial Review in relation to the introduction ofEmployment Tribunal fees, UNISON raised a second challenge in theHigh Court. The High Court, however,dismissed the...
The Chancellor, George Osborne, delivered his Autumn Statement on 3 December 2014. There were few areas which the Chancellor addressed in relation to charity law and they are summarised as...
Possession claim by Landlord based on notice to quit served by one of two joint tenants does not breach human rights of the other, rules Supreme Court In November the...
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