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Rollits has recruitedsolicitor Tom Milner to add strength to itsexisting commercial property team. Tom is an experienced propertylawyer with significant private sector experience who specialisesin all aspects of commercial property...
You cannot run and you cannot hide; social media is here to stay. The ability to instantaneously voice an opinion to thousands worldwide may seem liberating, but what happens when...
Court of Appeal simplifies Section 21 Notices Section 21 notices provide Landlords of properties let on an assured shorthold tenancy (“AST”), with a mechanism for recovering possession without needing to...
‘Tis the season to be jolly? Well not for everyone. For many the run up to Christmas and afterwards is characterised by rising tensions in their personal relationships. For everyone...
The DWP published a consultation paper at the end of October setting out various proposals for capping charges in defined contribution (DC) schemes, including those used for auto-enrolment. Options set...
The DWP has published a consultation paper setting out transitional and supplementary measures in relation to the commencement of section 29 of the Pensions Act 2011. Section 29 introduced a...
On 5 December 2013 the Chancellor George Osborne announced a number of measures within the Autumn Statement, which are intended to encourage the continued improvement of the economy with the...
Following a consultation on automatic enrolment by the government earlier in the year, and feedback from employers that had already implemented auto-enrolment, which indicated some operational difficulties and unintended consequences...
The DWP has recently published a consultation paper, entitled “Reshaping Workplace Pensions for Future Generations”, setting out its proposals for new, “defined ambition” pensions. Such schemes, suggested by the government...
The growth in social media and the internet generally has brought the law of defamation back into the public eye. Defamatory comments can be made, in the heat of the...
Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 provides a commercial tenant with a statutory right to a new lease at the end of the term. As a result,...
“Plebgate” MP Andrew Mitchell will be glad to see the back of 2013. Not only did he lose his ministerial post he has just (on the 27 November 2013) lost...
The government has published its updated Fair Deal policy, which is a non-statutory policy that sets out how pensions issues are to be dealt with when staff are compulsorily transferred...
Rollits has presented a local artist, Nichole Dean with theopportunity to showcase her talent by hosting a three-month debutexhibition at its Rowntree Wharf offices. Nichole, 23, who was educated at...
Leading legal publication NewLaw Journal has published the latest of its specialist columns covering Data Protection and Freedom of Information law, written by Rollits’ Partner Tom Morrison. This latest column...
Hull has been named as the UK City ofCulture 2017, beating Leicester, Swansea Bay and Dundee to thetitle. Secretary of State for Culture, Mediaand Sport Maria Miller said: “This is...
The Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill (“the Bill”) was introduced to Parliament in July 2013. The Bill is sponsored by the Cabinet Office and the...
Court of Appeal upholds decision disallowing £250,000 costs In a judgment given on 23 October 2013, the Court of Appeal for the first time answered the question of what is...
After decades of newsgathers and journalist’s campaigns for news cameras to be brought into the court room, there has finally been a breakthrough. The Court of Appeal (Recording and Broadcasting)...
After more than 20 years specialising in family law I thought I had stopped being shocked by people’s behaviour. The facts of Re A (A Child) [2013] EWCA Civ1104 which...
Chancel repair liability isthe topic on every conveyancer’s lips at the moment as it hasrecently been subject to some important legislative changesaffecting existing homeowners and those looking to purchase ahome....
Rollits is pleased to announcethat William Heath has been awarded this year’s”Rollits Art Award 2013″ at the School of Art and Design, HullCollege, for his painting ‘Job Seekers’. William is...
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