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The Government has announced that £17.5 million of funding is to be made available over the next three years (up until March 2015) for local communities to finance a Community...
Rollits has promoted three members of staff – includingtwo to partner – as it continues to invest in talent. Chris Crystal (property) and Andrew Digwood (disputeresolution) have been promoted to...
We are pleased to announce that Phil Entwistle has beenawarded the inaugural “Rollits Art Award 2012” at the School of Artand Design, Hull College, for his painting `DeltaicSandstone`. Phil is...
Following recent consultations the Government hasannounced that a fee structure for Employment Tribunals will beimplemented in the summer of 2013. There will be two levels under the feestructure: Level 1...
Rollits LLP has advised Ian McIntosh on his MBI of DrivingResults Limited. Driving Results, which trades as RED Driving School, is thesecond largest driving school in the UK with over...
Details of a new proposed local government pension scheme (LGPS) have recently been announced, following negotiation between the Local Government Association and trade unions. Briefly, this new scheme would be...
The national minimum wage rates that will take place from1 October 2012 have just been announced. 1. The standard adult rate (workers aged 21 and over) willrise to £6.19 per...
The annual employment tribunal statistics have beenpublished. The statistics show that the total number of claimscontinues to decrease (from 236,000 in 2009/10, to 218,000 in2010/11 and decreasing again to 186,000...
On the 6 April 2011, in family cases, a new procedure was instigated requiring all potential applicants to consider the possibility of mediation to resolve disputes in connection with the...
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust hasbeen handed the largest fine so far under the Data Protection Act1998. The £325,000 fine was issued following the theft of computerhard drives...
The Protection from Eviction Act 1977 (“PEA 1977”) was introduced to stop unscrupulous Landlords using heavy handed tactics to remove tenants. Under PEA 1977, it is illegal to threaten or...
Many businesses and organisations want to join withsimilar businesses and organisations to share costs and resources.These arrangements usually allow the companies in question to claimback their VAT. Unfortunately for some...
Congratulations to John Flanagan of Rollits who completedyesterday`s London Marathon in a time of 3:33:21, and raised over£600 for Macmillan Cancer Care and Heartlink. This article is for general guidance...
It is 18 months since family lawyers welcomed the Supreme Court judgment of Granatino v Radmacher which changed the way Pre-Nuptial Agreements are considered by the courts of England and...
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