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Ground F Section 30(1) Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 In my last article on the grounds that a landlord can rely upon to oppose the grant of a new commercial...
Minimum EPC Rating E needed for tenancies granted after 1 April 2018 From 1 April 2018, it will be unlawful to landlords to grant a new tenancy of private rented...
The story of 2017 is one of successful partnerships and on Tuesday 9 January a new exhibition, Tell The World, will open to showcase the organisations who helped make the...
The recent prosecution of two Yorkshire based companies for breach of health and safety Regulations is a stark reminder that prosecutions are brought on the basis of the risk of...
A brief discussion about section 30(1)(d) and (e) Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 In this, my third article on the grounds that a landlord can rely upon to oppose the...
The Christmas holiday season is upon us and there has been a recent and very important case about holiday entitlement. In King v Sash, a commission-only salesman whose services were...
Festive cheer for children’s (and Dads’) favourite, LEGO, as they succeed against Chinese imitator With Christmas just around the corner and many letters to Santa being populated with various forms...
A new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been entered into between the Charity Commission and the Department for Education (DfE). Many education providers are exempt charities – meaning that they...
Rollits has made a new solicitor appointment with the recruitment of former trainee Donna Barnett who has just successfully finished her training contract with the firm in the summer. Donna...
Rollits has appointed leading employment law specialist Caroline Neadley to its existing team of employment law experts. Solicitor Caroline joins Rollits from Humberside Police and brings with her over 15...
Landlord’s grounds of opposition to a commercial Tenant’s renewal lease Section 30(1) Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (“LTA 1954”) sets out 7 grounds upon which a commercial landlord can oppose...
Rollits has appointed three new trainee solicitors as part of its annual trainee intake, further strengthening its Yorkshire base. Amy Buttrick, Nilu Love and Harriet Wheeldon have joined the firm...
Sarah Adams, a Senior Solicitor at Rollits, has become a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) after successfully passing her exams. Sarah, who works as...
Photographer and charity reach settlement in long-running “Monkey Selfie” copyright dispute, but what might the case tell us? In the dim and distant days of 2014, before these days of...
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