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The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) has recently published its 2018/2019 Annual Report. The report evidences that Acas’ impartial early conciliation service continues to be in high demand, particularly...
The Financial Dispute Resolution Hearing (FDR) was introduced into the Court process of financial remedy proceedings in family cases in 1996. With the aim of assisting settlement, at the FDR...
HM Treasury has issued a further Treasury Direction, outlining the second phase of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), in essence modifying the effect of the previous Directions made on...
There has been a recent trend of what have been described as “revenge evictions” by both social and private landlords. As the nickname implies, such evictions are a means of...
The Coalition Government has announced the introduction of Enterprise Zones. Zones have already been announced within the following Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas: Birmingham and Solihull; Leeds City Region; Sheffield...
When a new director takes on the role and addresses his or her mind to what is expected of them, the first things that usually spring to mind are the...
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is due to be implemented by 25 May 2018 which will have an affect on existing data protection processes in businesses and preparatory...
In the recent case of Chweidan v Mischcon De Reya Solicitors, the Court set out a 6 stage test for quantifying claims involving a loss of chance. Such claims often...
On 29 May 2015, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills published the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Amendment) Regulations 2015 to clarify Section 4 of the Late Payment of...
On 1 July 2020 Companies House updated its guidance for companies and announced further temporary changes to its filing requirements in accordance with The Companies etc. (Filing Requirements) (Temporary Modifications)...
A purchaser will only acquire legal title to land once the Land Registry has completed the registration of the Transfer document and the new owner has been noted on the...
On 29 July 2020, the Supreme Court issued its Judgment in relation to the charity law case Lehtimaki and others v Cooper [2020] UKSC 33 which is also known as...
The Human Rights Act has in recent months caused particular issues for local authorities and social housing landlords with tenants seeking to rely upon Article 8 (the Right to Home...
The case of Bear Scotland Ltd and others v Fulton and others resulted in a finding by the EAT on 4 November 2014 that holiday pay must be calculated so...
Today (28 January 2021) marks the introduction of the Financial Conduct Authority’s new rules which ban the receipt by car dealers and motor finance brokers of commission from finance companies,...
In conjunction with the Prime Minister’s announcements on 10th and 11th May 2020, a suite of guidance setting out measures intended to assist safe working during the covid-19 pandemic has...
National Minimum Wage rates will rise from 1 October 2010.Under the new rates, the adult minimum wage rate will now apply to21 year olds (the previous qualifying age was22). The...
On 06 May 2016 the Charity Commission finally published itsreport on the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) and theRoddick Foundation (Roddick) with regards to their providing grantsto the controversial advocacy...
The Government’s consultation in regard to the further Court fee increases closed on 15 September 2015. As set out in my previous articles, the Law Society has been vocal both...
The Supreme Court has today handed down its judgment in the well publicised dispute of Ilott v The Blue Cross and Others, bringing to an end a decade long probate...
The Coronavirus Act 2020 (“CA 2020”) received Royal Assent on 25 March 2020, and contains provisions which impact on the ability of Landlords to recover possession of rented residential and...
HM Treasury have announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), which was due to end on the 31 October 2020, has been extended. Following the announcement of a national...
The Budget states that the “planning system has held back investment and created distortions in the way that businesses compete, deterring development and growth”. In order to address this, the...
The Supreme Court has considered the relationship between the Land Compensation Act 1961 (“the Act”) and the Pointe Gourde principle (i.e. the no scheme rule) in the case of Homes...
The recent decision fromScotland in the Sheriff Court case of Cowan vBennett has once again shown some of the difficultiesfor a claimant to establish a defamation claim. There is no...
Yesterday, two women – Alison Sharland and Varsha Gohil won their long fight to have their divorce settlements reheard. The battle began, when both, under differing circumstances found out that...
HMRC officials have released ten of the most bizarre responses provided by unscrupulous employers when questioned on their reasons for failing to pay the national minimum wage. Excuses included: believing...
The Department of Health has published a Tobacco Control Plan for England following the publication, on 6 July 2017, of advice from Public Health England (PHE) on the use of...
It is useful for trustees of land holding charities to be aware of when they have power to dispose of the charity’s land. Unexpected complications and delays can arise if...
It may be possible to succeed in a passing off claim even where the claimant does not have any physical residence in the UK. Passing off is a common law...
While the Brexit talks rumble on, and while there is still no single clear notion of what exactly the IP landscape may look like at their ultimate conclusion, the European...
Will the end of the furlough scheme mean the start of collective consultation for some? According to official government figures, at the Furlough scheme’s (Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme) peak in...
Ilott -v- Mitsonand others This case highlights thedifficulties charities face when legacies are challenged bydisappointed relatives. Charities must weigh up the potentialcosts of defending any action against their chances ofsuccess....
On 12 June 2013 the Supreme Court delivered their judgment in the long running case of Prest v Petrodel Resources Limited. Mrs Prest, in divorce proceedings, was seeking a substantial...
The widespread disruption faced by many businesses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequential government controls have led to many of those affected by the first national lockdown...
Everyone in business understands (or should do so) the nature of a limited liability company. In particular they will understand that unless there are certain exceptional circumstances (the classic example...
There are many common misconceptions about how payments to an employee around the time his employment is terminated are taxed. One is that the first £30,000 of such a payment...
Mediation is an effective tool in resolving disputes for many reasons. The use of mediation can allow a dispute between parties to be resolved both quickly and at a lower...
Whilst each neighbour dispute is different, they share a common denominator in that almost every case, claims comprise a claim for nuisance and trespass. On 12 July 2011, the Court...
Hull City Council has recently found itself embroiled in aclaim for damages from one of their employees who was working onmaintenance of the gardens of unoccupied Council houses. It wasnecessary...
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