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Your business or organisation never stands still. So it`sunlikely your health and safety needs ever stand still. Whilst youmay be progressive with many things, are you honestly asprogressive with your...
In a recent article we reported on the introduction of the catchily-titled Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, which implement the EU Consumer Rights Directive. The Regulations...
There are a group of people who issued Divorce Petitions between 1 July 1996 and 1 December 2000 who may be particularly affected by the new Pension Freedoms. Since 1...
Even where the lease permits a certain use, planning permission for that use could be required, regardless of the fact that the lease permits that use. Leases also commonly contain...
In our ” Immigration Act 2014 imposes identification burden on Landlords” article, we discussed how the introduction of provisions of the Immigration Act 2014 would result in residential Landlords being...
In “The Tenancy Deposit Scheme: Unscrupulous Landlord`s rejoice!” article on the website (October 2011), I discussed how the cases of Tiensia and Gladehurst had seemingly dealt a fatal blow to...
Sarah Finch was sacked from a McDonalds restaurant (based in West Wales) for gross misconduct following an accusation of giving away food without receiving payment. The 19 year old argued...
The Supreme Court has recently handed down a landmark decision in respect of the effect of fraudulent misrepresentation on previously agreed terms of settlement. Previously, Settlement Agreements could not be...
In a recent article, I provided on update on the suspension of evictions in relation to residential properties, highlighting that a freeze on repossession actions had been extended until 24...
Forfeiture moratorium extended yet again, this time until end of June 2021 On 10 March 2021, the Government announced that the moratorium on forfeiture for rent arrears (which prevents Landlords...
An amendment to the CharitiesBill has been accepted by the House of Lords which will block thegovernment’s plans to force charitable housing associations to selloff their housing to tenants. The...
Many relationships these days are international and involve couples who originate from different countries or who have made their home in one or more of the EU states. There are...
Private Landowners Rejoice On 3 July the Court of Appeal handed down it’s long awaited judgment in the case of Malik v Fassenfelt, McGahan and Persons Unknown, the case having...
The new LGPS (Miscellaneous) Regulations 2012 (the “2012 Regulations”) provide that, as from 1 October 2012, any new employees taken on by an employer will automatically be enrolled into the...
As of 19 March 2012 any designated money claims are no longer to be issued in your local county court. Her Majesty`s Courts and Tribunals Service has developed a new...
JCT have now published the new JCT Design & Build suite of contracts for general sale. A number of amendments made to the Design & Build Contract mirror the changes...
One of the changes introduced by the Companies Act 2006 which a number of our clients have found useful has been the simplification of the procedure which has to be...
The recent decision in Ipekçi v McConnell [2019 EWFC 19] demonstrates the double whammy of how not to do a Prenuptial Agreement and the potential consequences of annoying a judge....
Covid-19 developments are having a significant impact on the economy and various businesses are having to adapt to new working styles to accommodate the need to work from home. HMRC...
Very often licences to occupy business property are drawn up for speed and simplicity with the intention of providing flexibility and, crucially, to ensure a tenant doesn’t obtain rights it...
In a recent article we reported that a group of squatters known collectively as Grow Heathrow/Transition Heathrow that had for some time been occupying land that forms part of the...
Further reforms to developer contributions: a new consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy The reform of developer planning contributions continues with a (brief) consultation into the new draft regulations amending...
The current agreement between the Government and the Association of British Insurers (“ABI”) is due to end in July 2013. At the moment there is an arrangement between the Government...
In the recent case of Hannon v Hillingdon Homes Limited [2012], the High Court held a Landlord liable for injuries suffered by a third party who fell through a gap...
The pandemic gets Insurance Companies running for “cover” Most businesses will invest in insurance to cover themselves in the event of risks that could damage their business. Such policies typically...
The Infrastructure Act 2015(the Act), which includes a number of planning and planning-relatedmeasures, received royal assent on 12 February 2015. The aim of theAct is to encourage investment in Britain’s...
The 1 October 2012 was set as the date upon which significant reforms to the administration of Child Maintenance would come into force. Inevitably substantial delays have meant that as...
The use of claims consultants within the construction industry is not uncommon in particular when it comes to giving advice in relation to the overall progress of a contract or...
Grandparents could be entitled to share parental leave under plans proposed by the Labour party if they win the General election. As part of the Labour’s women’s manifesto the ‘granny...
It is less costly It is private It is convenient It is flexible Over the last 25 years the way to resolve financial family disputes has changed beyond all recognition....
The Court of Appeal, in thecase of Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities ServicesTrust Company (Jersey) Limited and another [2014] EWCA Civ603, decided that Marks & Spencer (the...
One positive aspect to come out of the coronavirus is seeing how communities have come together to help those vulnerable or struggling, whether it be doing the weekly shop for...
Within the planning regime, whether or not a structure classifies as a building has significant importance. For example, some permitted development rights relate to a “building” only and whether CIL...
On 25 May 2018 all organisations in the EU (and in some cases, organisations outside the EU) that process personal data will be subject to the General Data Protection Regulation...
Section 21 Notices have long been regarded as the ace up the sleeve of a landlord who has rented out a residential property to a tenant on an Assured Shorthold...
Our Vision: Hull Is This chats to Partner Andrew Digwood, who recently became the Undersheriff of York. “I’m based in the firm’s York office but come to Hull every couple...
“Camping pods” are an increasingly popular addition to the mixture of tents, caravans and mobile homes that may make up holiday campsites. However, a recent Planning Inspectorate decision (APP/B9506/C/18/3210831 and...
When an employee`s contract is terminated there often is a settlement negotiated between the employer and employee. That is a sensible thing to do. It provides certainty to the employer...
For a species that has spent the last 40 million years paddling around in ponds, celebrity (or perhaps notoriety) has come late in the career of the Great Crested Newt....
How much for the rooftop space? The Upper Tribunal (“UT”) has considered an application under the 2017 Electronic Communications Code in the case of EE Ltd and another v London...
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