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The recent case of Shapton v Seviour (2020) provides a welcome example of the Court coming to what many would consider to be a sensible conclusion to what, on the...
Concerns have recently been raised in the sector about academies and charitable status, in particular whether they are sufficiently independent from the Government. Academies are exempt charities pursuant to the...
Following the endorsement of the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (“LEP”) an application has been submitted to the Government for the Humber Renewable Energy Super Cluster Enterprise Zone, which according to...
Covid-19 has forced the Government to take steps to ensure that people are confined to the safety of their own home and that they only leave the house for a...
The Christmas holiday season is upon us and there has been a recent and very important case about holiday entitlement. In King v Sash, a commission-only salesman whose services were...
The answer is YES if you applied to register any Lasting Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Attorney between April 2013 and March 2017. And here’s why? The the...
Two years after the horror of the Grenfell Tower fire, changes to policy and legislation are finally starting to take form. The first step was the initiation of the Hackitt...
On 6 April 2014 changes weremade to The Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 Part 3 inrespect of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations which affect howSheriffs can enforce Judgments....
As Nestlé Trade Mark application fails, is this one of the early indicators of what the post-Brexit fault lines might look like in Intellectual Property case law? On 17 May,...
With three months to go until the GDPR takes effect, organisations should be well on their way towards GDPR compliance. To recap, in our previous GDPR Countdown updates we recommended...
In Stafford Flowers v Linstone Chine Management Company Ltd [2017] EWCA Civ 202, the Court of Appeal (“CA”) has considered whether to discharge a covenant which restricted the use of...
The trustees of the Jimmy Savile Charitable Trust (the Trust) are appealing against the compensation scheme for Jimmy Savile’s victims. The compensation scheme allows the victims of abuse by Jimmy...
Just over a week ago the Ministry of Justice announced that it would fund the Citizens Advice Bureau’s Family Law Service at the Royal Courts of Justice to the tune...
Following much media speculation the Government has now announced a new Job Support Scheme (JSS) which has been designed to protect viable jobs as employers continue to battle the impact...
On 20 June 2013 the UKIPO (Intellectual Property Office) gave its decision in the dispute between Nestlé and Cadbury over the latter’s bid to cancel the registered trade mark originally...
National Living and Minimum Wage Increases From 1 April 2017 employers must ensure the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage increases are reflected in an employee or workers’ salary....
… integrating the latest changes to Appropriate Assessments and a new prize for community supported design. The Chief Planning Officer published two letters in January 2019. The first (15th January...
The Community Amateur SportsClub (“CASC”) scheme was introduced by the Finance Act in 2002 andenables local amateur sports clubs, subject to certain eligibilityconditions, to register with HMRC and to benefit...
On 6 June 2013, HM Treasury and the Department for Business Innovation and Skills launched a consultation on the design of a new tax relief for social investment which proposes...
When the family at the heart of a business falls out, who gets to use the family name? One of the greatest and most precious assets of a family business...
In a recent Employment AppealTribunal decision, MBNA Limited v Jones it was held thatan employer who found two employees guilty of misconduct for theirinvolvement in the same incident, was entitled...
Further to the recent Uber case in October 2016 where drivers who had been considered self employed by the taxi hailing service Uber were found to be workers by an...
As we begin to emerge from the lockdown many people are wondering how family cases might be dealt with going forwards. Will it be possible to have a meeting with...
On an acquisition or disposal, warranties will be provided by the sellers to a buyer, such warranties being incorporated into the Sale and Purchase Agreement. Warranties are statements of fact/promises...
In January 2012, I reported on a decision by Mr Justice Akenhead in the case of Systech International Limited v PC Harrington Contractors Limited. In that case, Harrington had refused...
“The ‘without prejudice’ rule excludes all negotiations genuinely aimed at settlement being given in evidence. The rule is founded on the principle that litigants are to be encouraged to settle...
The potential consequences of not obtaining a Court Order to finalise financial agreements reached at the time of Divorce have again been considered by the Family Court. In the case...
Criminal sanctions and new routes to possession introduced In my January 2016 Right to Rent article, I discussed the obligations landlords of private residential properties would be subject to from...
Clarification from the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) The ICO have provided guidance in relation to the interplay between Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (“PECR”) and the General...
Suzanne McCarthy who is the Chair of the Fundraising Regulator Standards Committee, has said that the public will be consulted before any major changes are made to the Code of...
On the 6 April 2010 with apparently little fanfare thegovernment introduced new regulations relating, amongst otherthings, to the discharge of sewage effluent and associated liquids(or presumably solids) from septic tanks,...
In recent years sexism and discrimination have become a very topical issue and employers are becoming more and more exposed to discrimination claims. Over the last few days a job...
The recent prosecution of two Yorkshire based companies for breach of health and safety Regulations is a stark reminder that prosecutions are brought on the basis of the risk of...
The Department for Education (DfE) has recently issued updated guidance Advice on the protection of school playing fields and public land, which explains when consent of the Secretary of State...
Increased Powers for the Charity Commission Last Chance for Self-Regulation of Charity Fundraising The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill 2015 has had its third reading in the House of...
It is the bill most divorcing couples have been waiting for since it was first announced in April 2019. The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill entered parliament on 7 January...
1st April 2013 saw the introduction of a number of new rules, as the result of the Jackson Reforms, governing the conduct of litigation including the Court’s managing costs throughout...
Geneva has been the venue for a powerhouse conference in the intellectual property world with some of the world’s leading technology companies meeting with academics from around the world and...
Global confectionery giant Nestlé, which manufactures its famous Polo Mints at its factory in York, is reported to be taking action against manufacturers and importers of “vaping” liquids, for use...
On 15 April the Government issued its fourth guidance update on its Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). On the same day, the Treasury also issued a Direction to HMRC...
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