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Following the cases of Manchester City Council v Pinnnock [2011] and Hounslow London Borough Council v Powell [2011], when considering possession claims brought by public authorities and some, housing associations,...
This is a question often asked by clients when they are faced with defective building works on their home and for one reason or another it is not possible to...
You may recall the press outrage last August when David Miranda, the partner of a Guardian journalist (Glen Greenwald) linked to the Edward Snowden whistleblowing saga, was detained at Heathrow...
It goes without saying that we are currently living in extraordinary times. Many thought that 2020 would be the year of scrutinising contracts as a result of Brexit, but now...
On 22 July 2016, The Civil Proceedings, First-tier Tribunal, Upper Tribunal and Employment Tribunals Fees (Amendment) Order 2016 was made. This has unfortunately resulted in the implementation of more Court...
Kirklees Council has released details of a case that provides an important lesson in failing to take notice of a planning enforcement order. A man residing in West Yorkshire ignored...
The Family Justice Board’s Action Plan for reforming the Family Justice System states that by March 2015: All agencies and individuals within the Family Justice System should be working together...
1 April 2013 saw the introduction of a number of new Court Rules further to a review of civil litigation funding by Lord Justice Jackson; also know as the Jackson...
The issue of bereavement leavehas been very much in the news of late. There is currently nostatutory entitlement to bereavement leave. Bereavement leaveis usually dictated by a short reference to...
Barclays Bank fail in application to strike-out customer’s case as being issued too late One of the major problems facing a bank customer who considers they have been mis-sold an...
An enquiry has recently been raised of Rollits’ Property Dispute Resolution Team as to how, following the introduction of CRAR, outstanding service charge can be recovered. I have not set...
The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 passed through Parliament last year and requires public bodies to take into account economic, social and environmental well-being in procuring services from suppliers....
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 will come into force this week, on 1 October. In the first of our articles on the major changes to the consumer legislation which will...
The domain name landscape is changing. Previously generic top level domain names (gTLD’s) were limited to conventional suffixes such as “” and “.com”, but over the last couple of years...
I have recently seen two cases that have provided a stark reminder about the use of the phrase “subject to contract.” The first case, Chew Ai Hua, Sandra -v- Woo...
The Consumer Rights Directive comes into force in the UK today (13 June 2014), with the aim of strengthening consumer rights in circumstances where contracts are made away from a...
A new year is upon us, and 2012 is expected to see the introduction of a new “Small Claims” service for most types of intellectual property claims through the jurisdiction...
The JCT has commenced its staggered launch of new Building Contracts with the publication of the: 1.) JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016 (MW 2016); 2.) JCT Minor Works Building...
In July 2011, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (the “DECC”) published the government’s UK Renewable Energy Roadmap, which set out proposals to increase the use of renewable energy...
In a recent High Court case, the High Court refused to grant permission to pursue charity proceedings and stayed the claim to enable the parties to engage in mediation. This...
Yesterday, the Court of Appeal issued their judgement onthe action brought by Friends of the Earth and others (“theApplicant”) against the Secretary of State for Energy and ClimateChange (“SSECC”) in...
October 2012 saw the introduction of the availability of a Small Claims Track for Intellectual Property cases in the Patents County Court, applying to cases where the value of the...
“Plebgate” MP Andrew Mitchell will be glad to see the back of 2013. Not only did he lose his ministerial post he has just (on the 27 November 2013) lost...
How many times do we all make assumptions that another person’s understanding of a situation/agreement is same as ours? Often by pure chance that we realise there is a misunderstanding...
With 9 months to go until the GDPR takes effect, organisations should (if they have not done so already) be in the process of auditing their data processing practices. This...
Research undertaken last year found that 1.8 million Brits were hoping that their partner would propose on Valentine’s Day and earlier research has shown that in just over one fifth...
The Trade Secrets (Enforcement, etc.) Regulations 2018 came into force in June 2018 with little media coverage. It is the first time that English law has provided statutory protection for...
On 9 November 2011, Supreme Court gave their long awaited judgment in the case of Kernott v Jones. In a groundbreaking judgment, the Supreme Court held that that where 2...
Following the release of the draft Local Plan for York, the consultation period has now ended. The Council will now be reviewing the submissions and looking to move the plan...
It’s going to be a busy summer of sports; the UEFA European Championship kicks us off on 10 June, shortly followed by Wimbledon and then the Olympics. Many of us...
A recent case serves as a reminder of the care that needs to be taken when engaging in commercial emails. In Nicholas Prestige Homes v Neal the Court of Appeal...
As part of the Government’s drive to be fair and transparent in relation to how public money is spent, the Education Funding Agency issued its Investigation Publishing Policy on 15...
On 12 June 2014, the Court of Appeal gave their decision on an appeal by the Guardian and several other media organisations regarding an application by the prosecution for the...
Tom Morrison, Head ofRollits’ Education Team was recently approached by Lexis Nexis forcomment on developments in education – including the appointment ofthe new Secretary of State for Education, the impact...
Whether you are an employee who has been offered a settlement agreement by your employer, or an employer thinking of offering one (or more) of your employees a settlement agreement...
In my previous article upon the Coronavirus Act 2020, I discussed the newly introduced restrictions on the ability of landlords to recover possession of rented and commercial properties. Measures introduced...
We have seen a marked increase in enquiries in relation toemployers` concerns in relation to things said by employees both inand out of working time on social networkingsites. Whilst the...
In the article “The Tenancy Deposit Scheme: Back from the Brink – again?”, I highlighted the amendments being made to those parts of Housing Act 2004 relating to the Tenancy...
In a recommendation by theAdvocate General it was determined that travel time counts asworking time. In the case of theFederación de Servicios Privados del Sindicato ComisionesObreras, the Advocate General considered...
The recent Judgment in the case of Phones 4 U Limited (in administration) v EE Limited (2018) has highlighted the potential pitfalls for a party to a contract who wishes...
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