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The effect that Brexit may have on commercial contracts is unclear at present; the commercial implications will ultimately be determined by the terms upon which the UK leaves the EU....
As the Prime Minister moves towards setting out plans for easing the lockdown, businesses are giving thought to what this may mean for getting employees back into workplaces that have...
On 11 May 2021 the Queen announced an important piece of legislation for the charity sector as the Government’s plans to roll out the Charities Bill. In 2017 the Law...
How do growth shares work? Growth shares can be a useful way of getting equity into the hands of a key employee. Growth shares are a special class of shares....
The legal principle of “buyer beware” places a duty on thebuyer to carry out all necessary enquiries and due diligence beforecommitting to acquire a property. As part of this process,...
Landlords to a commercial property have available to them the popular “self help” remedy of peaceable re-entry when faced with a tenant who is in arrears with their rent. This...
On 2 October 2017, the Business and Property Courts of England and Wales were launched. The aim of the Business and Property Courts is to create a single “umbrella” for...
In planning decisions, biodiversity and development are usually treated as conflicting interests which need to be balanced. You build houses, you lose biodiversity. However, a new consultation attempts to turn...
The Intellectual Property & Enterprise Court last week refused to grant an interim injunction to the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain (UOGB) against rival black-tie-clad strummers the United Kingdom Ukulele...
In July 2014, it emerged that the head teacher of Gad’s Hill school in Kent had increased his own salary by 381% over an 11 year period. In 2000, when...
Easton V B&Q plc The Claimant was a manager of a supermarket. He was very successful. However, he became ill through occupational stress and alleged this was due to the...
In March the Cabinet Office issued a Procurement Policy Note providing information and guidance to public bodies in relation to the payment of their suppliers. The note contained a number...
Most people would not give a second thought to almost 100 year old laws, but a recent high court case highlights why anyone can be affected and families can be...
The community right to challenge contained in the Localism Act 2011 was brought into force on 27 June 2012. The community right to challenge gives voluntary and community groups the...
Not all development is equal. While most will require a planning application to be submitted to the relevant local authority, some enjoys deemed planning permission under the General Permitted Development...
On 24 July 2018 the revised National Planning Policy Framework (“NPPF”) was published. The NPPF increases the importance of high-quality design and well-designed places. The revised framework also provides that...
In a population that is living longer, one of the major considerations has to be ‘who will look after me when I’m older or unable to live independently?’ and whilst...
The HMRC portal to reclaim staff salaries under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme went live yesterday, 20 April 2020, 10 days ahead of schedule. The scheme allows employers to claim...
On 15 December 2016, the Court of Appeal handed down its judgment in the case of Watts v Stewart and Others (2016). In a decision that will be welcomed by...
In a Press Release issued on 10 March 2021, the Government announced that the ban on residential evictions in England will be extended until “at least 31 May 2021”. There...
A decision of the European Court of Justice has supported the view of the European Trade Mark Office that a Dutch company, You-Q BV, cannot obtain trade mark protection for...
Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 provides a commercial tenant with a statutory right to a new lease at the end of the term. As a result,...
In the Landmark decision in the case of Jones v Kaney, the Supreme Court has ruled, by a majority, that the 400 year-old principle that has protected expert witnesses from...
In previous articles we have discussed the impact of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (the “CPRs”), and the amendments which came into force in October of last year....
The Woodland Trust has lost its appeal in a dispute regarding a legacy from the Estate of Valerie Smith, who died in 2001. The Deceased made her Will in 2001...
HMRC have published guidance for non-UK residents in relation to what circumstances will be considered ‘exceptional’ under the Statutory Residence Test (SRT) during the COVID-19 outbreak. As we approach the...
In our “Are you Winding Me Up?” article of last week, we highlighted how, in the immediate aftermath of social distancing measures imposed by Government in response to the Coronavirus...
Contentious probate matters and administrative complexity doesn’t just come up between wealthy families and waring beneficiaries, but can arise in the most common and simple situation, one being cohabiting couples...
The Small Business, Enterpriseand Employment Act 2015 (SBEEA 2015) was announced in the Queen’sspeech in 2014. The proposed Act was then introduced as aGovernment Bill to the House of Commons....
I was interested to read, in the 3 October edition of “Inside Housing” magazine, an article by Mark Henderson, Chief Executive of Home Housing Group, in which he writes of...
Today the world has become a little more complicated for residential landlords. In addition to The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 a raft of provisions contained in...
Who, or what, is Schrems II? Maximillian Schrems was a Facebook user who raised a complaint concerning the transfer of his personal data by Facebook Ireland to Facebook Inc. in...
On 16th June 2021, yet another extension to the moratorium on forfeiture for rent arrears (which prevents Landlords from forfeiting a commercial lease on the grounds of Rent arrears) was...
Over the years, those of us involved in the Social Housing Sector have become used to governments and political parties of all hues and persuasions trumpeting, with varying degrees of...
The UK is in unchartered territory due to Brexit. Many UK employment rights derive from EU law, so what does Brexit mean for UK employment law? At times, this European...
Please be aware that on 1 April 2018 the national minimum wage rates will increase. The changes include the largest increases in a decade for the rates that apply to...
On 7 March 2016 a case of the Bat Conservation Trust concluded in the Derby Crown Court and resulted in the “most significant conviction for bat crime ever recorded”. The...
1 February 2016 will see one of the biggest changes in the landscape of health and safety sentencing for a number of decades. Many large businesses subject to prosecution for...
Where they come from, how to keep them and how to stop them. Footpaths and other rights of way have hit the news recently with The Ramblers’ Association’s “Don’t Lose...
In a recent article, my colleague Chris Drinkall highlighted that the moratorium on forfeiture for rent arrears has once again been extended This is not the only extension announced this...
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