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Last year the case of Sharland was reported which is a cautionary tale for husbands and wives. In that case Mr Sharland owned a company and at the final hearing...
In the above case theEmployment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) considered whether an instructionto an employee not to speak her native Russian language at work wasdirect race discrimination or race harassment. In...
Employment Status – Workers and Substitution Clauses In recent years there have been a significant number of cases which have continued to complicate the issue of whether an individual has...
The concept of anapprenticeship dates back to the middle ages where a mastercraftsman would provide lodgings and training to a willingindividual in return for cheap labour. The primary purpose of...
Airbnb is now an increasingly popular way of finding anything from a quirky night away in a windmill to a convenient short-term base in a major city. However, when booking...
Another week, another big decision by the Supreme Court affecting separating couples with the case of Owen v Owens [2018] UKSC 41. The story of Mr and Mrs Owens has...
The Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill (“the Bill”) was introduced to Parliament in July 2013. The Bill is sponsored by the Cabinet Office and the...
The Charity Commission has updated its safeguarding resources and has implemented a new safeguarding portal. The launch of the portal is useful in view of the unprecedented situation charities are...
The next NMW increase will take effect from 1 April 2017: 25 years + £7.50/hour 21 – 24 years £7.05/hour 18 – 20 years £5.60/hour 16 – 17 years £4.05/hour...
The Public Service Pensions Act 2013 (the “Act”), setting out a common framework for the creation of new public sector pension schemes, received Royal Assent on 25 April 2013. This...
In the recent case of Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v Haywood the employee, Mrs Haywood was on holiday overseas when her employer, the Trust, issued the Notice...
Rights of way come in various guises and can be created in a number of different ways. The most common way of creating a right of way is by a...
Adjudication is a quick fix, interim measure to determine disputes between parties to a construction contract within a prescribed period, usually 28 days. Due to the speed by which disputes...
Changes coming into force from 1 October 2014 National Minimum Wage Increases: Adult rate from £6.31 to £6.50/hour Workers 18 – 20 years of age from £5.03 to £5.31/hour Young...
In my previous articles issued on 1 April 2020 and 7 April 2020 I discussed the impact that the Coronavirus had had on Winding Up Hearings, and how the Court...
Vulnerable workers must be protected The decision handed down on Friday 19 February 2021 has confirmed that courts will intervene to protect those engaged in the gig economy in order...
From 1 February 2013 it will become more expensive to make an employee redundant as the statutory cap for a week’s pay is increased from £430 to £450. This means...
What is EIS? The Enterprise Investment Scheme (“EIS”) has been around since 1994. It was introduced at a time when small businesses were finding it difficult to access funding from...
Interim rent – what is it? Interim rent is the rent to be paid by a commercial business tenant whilst a tenancy of a property continues beyond the expiry of...
New workplace pension requirements are being introduced, beginning in October 2012. This will require all employers to provide pension arrangements for their employees (automatic enrolment), and make contributions into these...
An earn out is an amount payable on a sale of shares in a company linked to its performance after the sale, typically profitability. Earn outs are back in fashion....
Making holiday arrangements for children when parents are separated is not always a straightforward experience. It should be a time to look forward to, but can often be a source...
A retention of title clause is intended to give a seller of goods the ability to recover the goods if they are not paid for, title/ownership of the goods remaining...
From the Captain of the Millennium Falcon to disaster at Alton Towers . . . one year on from the introduction of the Health & Safety Definitive Guidelines on Sentencing...
As the new tax year has arrived, there is some good tax news amongst all the chaos and stress of Covid-19. From April 2020 the Residence Nil Rate Band allowance,...
We are approaching six months into the new “Persons with Significant Control Regime” (which came into force on 6 April earlier this year) so now is an appropriate time to...
The ideology behind The Big Society is nothing new to the Voluntary Sector, but it has put voluntary organisations firmly in the spotlight. The Prime Minister wants to open up...
Most people think about whatwill happen to their visible assets, such as their house orantiques, on their death and prepare a Will leaving these assets tothe desired beneficiary. Less people...
Deep into November, it is still unclear what sort of trade deal – if any – will take effect at the end of the transition period on 1 January 2021....
The Localism Bill forms the basis for the Coalition Government`s plans of decentralisation and introduces a wide range of measures from social housing reform to directly elected mayors. However, the...
The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 received Royal Assent on 26 March 2015. The Act, together with the Deregulation Act 2015 will make a number of changes to...
On 22 November 2013 after more than 6 years of bitterly disputed financial remedy proceedings Michelle Young was awarded a lump sum of £20 million to be paid within 28...
Migration Advisory Committee makes call for evidence for impact of international students report On 3 October 2017, the Migration Advisory Committee published a call for evidence further to its request...
Further to a recent amendment to the County Court Act 1984, from 22 April 2014 individual County Courts will no longer exist; so to speak. Those individual County Courts are...
The Law Society has published an article containing guidance on comments made by a government spokesperson on 25 March that “buyers and renters should, as far as possible, delay moving...
The new law requiring consent for the use of website cookies came into force yesterday (26 May 2011). The day before, the Information Commissioner`s Office (ICO) issued guidance which some...
In the hope of encouraging quicker and more cost effective litigation, the Courts are currently running two pilot schemes, which will be in place until October 2017, in cases primarily...
On 13 April 2011, the Supreme Court granted leave to appeal from the Court of Appeal`s decision in R (Prudential plc and another) v Special Commissioner of Income Tax and...
On the 4 March 2011 the Government published the Charities Bill and the Charities (Pre-consolidation Amendments) Order 2011. The Charities Bill is not intended to comprehensively overhaul or amend existing...
The Health & Safety Executive (“HSE”) has released guidance on when an employer must make a report in relation to coronavirus under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences...
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