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In a Press Release issued today (14 February 2021), the Government has announced that the ban on the eviction of tenants from residential properties has been extended by another 6...
On 23 July 2019, Defra and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government published their response to the 2018 Consultation on proposals for a mandatory bidoversity net gain for...
The Equality Act 2010 prevents discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation (known...
Saturday 18 August has been reported as the most common day in 2018 to tie the knot in the UK. However, since the early 1970s, the number of people actually...
The Alzheimer’s Society is not naïve to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 (“DPA”) or to having its policies and procedures scrutinised by the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”)....
The government, in its response to consultation on the automatic trigger and qualifying earnings band for contributions to a workplace pension, has set new earnings thresholds for the tax year...
On 5 December 2013 the Chancellor George Osborne announced a number of measures within the Autumn Statement, which are intended to encourage the continued improvement of the economy with the...
Many employers may notappreciate the extent to which they can be held liable for actsundertaken by an employee outside of work and working hours. This is known as Vicarious Liability....
The statement of capital is a new concept introduced by the Companies Act 2006 and is intended to provide a “snapshot” of a limited company”s issued share capital at any...
Other the last few months, I have produced a series of articles that have provided a whistle stop tour through the statutory grounds upon which a commercial Landlord may seek...
The impact of the Coronavirus on Winding Up Petitions One of the inevitable consequences of the social distancing measures put in place by the Government to tackle the Coronavirus is...
We wrote last year on the revised law on consents required for use of website cookies, which came into force on 26 May 2011. The 12 month `grace period` which...
The growth in social media and the internet generally has brought the law of defamation back into the public eye. Defamatory comments can be made, in the heat of the...
The Immigration Act 2014 received Royal Assent in May 2014. Whilst on the face of it the Act may not be one which residential landlord’s would ordinarily expect to be...
The Oxfam scandal has seriously damaged the reputation of Oxfam after it emerged that some of its employees used charity money to pay for prostitutes in Haiti following the earthquake...
A recent Planning Inspectorate decision (APP/Z4310/W/19/3224223 dated 24th May 2019) approached the contentious question of gated communities. The case is an interesting one as it highlights the fundamental issue in...
Steps to follow in Possession Claims from 20 September 2020 Regular (unfortunate) readers will know that in recent months, I have covered some of the wide range of measures that...
A brief discussion about section 30(1)(d) and (e) Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 In this, my third article on the grounds that a landlord can rely upon to oppose the...
The change in law relating to corporate manslaughter has,of course, been in the news for quite some time. Even so, there hasonly been one successful prosecution and that did not...
The DWP has published a consultation paper setting out transitional and supplementary measures in relation to the commencement of section 29 of the Pensions Act 2011. Section 29 introduced a...
The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 will come into force on 1 October 2015. The Regulations, which only apply in England, impose a duty upon private sector...
Court of Appeal rules that Artificial Intelligence “DABUS” cannot be the inventor on a UK Patent. The Court of Appeal has held by a majority verdict (LJ Birss dissenting) that...
The Government has been forced to delay the implementation of the new Bribery Act 2010 (which was due to come in force in April this year) in the face of...
Part II Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 (“the 1954 Act”) provides a tenant that is in occupation of premises for the purposes of its business with a statutory right to...
In recent months we have seen several developments in the law relating to the sale of goods, all of which bring new principles for businesses to get to grips with....
Photographer and charity reach settlement in long-running “Monkey Selfie” copyright dispute, but what might the case tell us? In the dim and distant days of 2014, before these days of...
With 6 months to go until the GDPR takes effect, organisations should now be well on with their GDPR preparations. In our earlier update (GDPR Countdown – 9 months to...
New government consultation. A consultation on compulsory community pre-application consultation for shale gas (fracking) development was launched on 31 October 2018 by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government....
In Martin v Martin [2018] EWCA Civ 2866 – the Court of Appeal explores the thorny issue of how to deal with shares in private limited companies when a marriage...
How Porsche lost design right battle over the 911 The EU General Court (CJEU) has this week upheld a decision to invalidate two EU Registered Designs which had been held...
A “pre-pack” is a pre-packaged sale of a business and/or some or all of its assets negotiated in advance of the administration of a company and completed by the administrators...
The Employment Team hasrecently welcomed in excess of 60 clients to a seminar entitled -Managing Sickness Absence Pro-actively. Many of those attendingconfirmed that absence both long term and short term,...
Unfortunately not. From 1 March 2011 the Advertising Standards Agency (“ASA”) will regulate advertising on a company’s own website and on any third party website over which a company has...
In a decision of theEmployment Appeals Tribunal, Ramphal v Department forTransport, the Employment Appeals Tribunal relying on anearlier decision of the Supreme Court in West London MentalHealth NHS Trust v...
Many businesses and organisations want to join withsimilar businesses and organisations to share costs and resources.These arrangements usually allow the companies in question to claimback their VAT. Unfortunately for some...
Possession claim by Landlord based on notice to quit served by one of two joint tenants does not breach human rights of the other, rules Supreme Court In November the...
On 21 January 2013 the Government announced a Consultation on proposals to streamline the planning system. These proposals include: 1.) Design and Access Statements Design and Access Statements will only...
A landlord has been granted leave to appeal a decision of the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) which was handed down in December 2011 concerning an apparent conflict of rights/responsibilities between...
With the grant of Royal Assent on 15 November 2011 the Localism Act introduced a new layer of planning policy within the existing planning framework known as Neighbourhood Planning. The...
Some charities adopt the Industrial and Provident Society structure and it is common amongst housing associations. The Charity Commission recently clarified its position in relation to Industrial and Provident Societies...
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