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The Charity Commission has recently published a decision in relation to an inquiry into Combined Funds Limited. The inquiry was opened as it transpired that the charity had given loans...
This is a very effectivemethod of recovering money due under a Judgment which not manypeople are familiar with. The application can be madeagainst any “third party” (i.e. bank, individual or...
The ACAS Code of Practice onDisciplinary and Grievance Procedures (the ACAS Code) issupplemented by a non-statutory guide, Discipline and grievances atwork: The ACAS guide which gives further guidance on bestpractice....
Today, the Law Commission of England and Wales and Scottish Law Commission have announced that the current laws in relation to surrogacy are outdated and require reform. The existing laws...
The Royal Instruction of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has launched The Code for Leasing Business Premises in England and Wales (the Lease Code 2020). The Lease Code 2020 replaces the Lease...
Our employment team often receive queries in relation to monitoring and surveillance of employees. There have been three recent European cases on this topic which emphasise employees’ right to privacy...
Almost one in five couples in the UK argue regularly or consider separating A recent study carried out by the charity Relate suggests that2.87 million people were in distressed relationships...
A recent case demonstrates how intermingling business arrangements within families can create a further layer of difficulty when marriages breakdown and emotions run high. The case of Mr and Mrs...
The case is the latest in a long line of similar cases, all of which have so far been decided in favour of worker status. London-based Addison Lee is the...
From 12 September 2011 the Health & Safety Executivehave confirmed that reportable injuries and incidents will beindicated to them via a predominantly on-linesystem. Seven forms will be available to make...
The Court of Appeal has in the case of NKY Logistics (UK) Limited v Ibrend Estates BV (2011) provided a reminder to Landlords and Tenants that they must take the...
A Will has successfully beencontested following the promises that a father made to one sonduring his lifetime. In Davies v Davies [2015] EWHC1384 (CH), a dispute arose following Tom Davies’...
At today’s seminar we referred to employee shareholdercontracts. In yesterday’s budget it was announced that employee shareholder contracts would come into force on 1 September 2013 (untillast week it was...
The government announced on 24 March 2016 that it is pressing ahead with the introduction of The Immigration Skills Charge in April 2017. The intended purpose of the charge is...
The commencement of fees in the Employment Tribunal When Industrial Tribunals (now Employment Tribunals) were created in the 1960s it was intended that workplace disputes could be resolved in a...
In Eweida & Others v UK,the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held that in mostsituations it does. In different cases, fouremployee’s brought claims against their employer’s under theReligion or...
In addition to setting out the legislative framework for the “Green Deal”, a scheme enabling businesses and households to have energy saving works carried out to their properties and to...
Fashion designer Christian Louboutin is making news not on the catwalks, but in the New York Courts this year, as his case against fellow designer Yves St Laurent over what...
On 5 November the Government announced that as from March 2015 they intend that the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) and Child Support Agency (CSA) will be able to share information...
The Court of Appeal was facedwith the issue of whether a lap dancer was an employee orself-employed in Stringfellow Restaurants Ltd v Quashie. Ms Quashie worked as a lapdancer intermittently...
When bringing a claim of professional negligence, it will usually be the case that expert evidence is required so that there is some form of “expert input” to support the...
The Supreme Court has today confirmed the Court of Appealdecision in Radmacher v Granatino. “Such Agreements can have decisive and compelling weight.”It is “natural to infer that parties entering into...
The impact of COVID-19 is being felt by almost every person and every business. The sheer speed with which this virus has taken the world in its grasp has left...
The Charity Commission has responded to criticism of guidance which it has recently issued to charities in respect of reporting serious incidents if they are adversely impacted by Coronavirus. Charity...
This is the second of two articles on the enterprise investment scheme (“EIS”). The earlier article (EIS: An Outline Updated for March 2015 Changes) set out the main EIS reliefs...
After decades of newsgathers and journalist’s campaigns for news cameras to be brought into the court room, there has finally been a breakthrough. The Court of Appeal (Recording and Broadcasting)...
Following on from the repeated issues of workplace sexual harassment being brought into the public eye in recent months the Equalities & Human Rights Commission has called on the Government...
Court of Appeal simplifies Section 21 Notices Section 21 notices provide Landlords of properties let on an assured shorthold tenancy (“AST”), with a mechanism for recovering possession without needing to...
It’s one of those pieces of statute that feels as though it has been coming through the legislative pipeline for ever and a day by now, but the Intellectual Property...
What’s the big deal? The Green Deal enables a property owner to make energy saving improvements, such as loft insulation, double glazing and solar panels, without having to meet the...
In July of last year we reported on a study undertaken by the Competition and Markets Authority (“CMA”) into pricing practices in the supermarket sector that were potentially in breach...
Many small businesses start off as sole traders or partnerships. These are called unincorporated businesses and are an alternative to trading through a company. There are sound reasons for starting...
The new Fit for Work Service(“FFW”) has been much discussed at our seminars over the course ofthe previous 12 months. You will recall that thecreation of the now called Fit...
When entering into an infrastructure agreement such as a section 104 agreement or section 38 agreement, it is often tempting to sign off the agreement with little thought as the...
… converting flats back into a single planning unit. We recently reported on a Planning Inspectorate (“PINS”) case concerning the creation of an additional planning unit or annexe from the...
After months of volcanic rumblings, reminiscent perhaps of Mount Eyjafjallajökull, the Government of Iceland has announced that it has commenced proceedings in the European Union Intellectual Property Office against British...
In the recent case of Swift v. Robertson the Court of Appeal dealt with an appeal regarding a removal agreement which the Defendant had tried to terminate. The issue for...
Controversial Registered Design decision continues to echo in the developing case law The Intellectual Property & Enterprise Court (IPEC) has this week (20 November 2019) ruled that baby bath maker...
In uncertain times and facing an unprecedented situation charity trustees are responsible for ensuring that making sometimes difficult decisions about their charity’s services and how it is run. Trustees are...
In my article back in March2015 I posed the question ‘can your ex back to haunt you?’ theanswer to that question is yes they can. In my article Idiscussed how...
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