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The Equality Act (Gender Pay Gap Reporting) Regulations 2017 require private and voluntary sector employers with 250 or more employees to publish a gender pay gap report by 4 April...
By Tom Morrison, Head of Rollits’ Education Team I love our colleges. I am a Partner at Rollits and my kind are not always known for their public displays of...
A High Court judgment handed down at the Leeds District Registry earlier this month has highlighted once again the importance of giving careful consideration to break clauses both the lease...
In Laws v Game Retail Limited an Employment Tribunal (ET) ruled that a dismissal as a result of posting offensive tweets on Twitter was unfair. In reaching the decision the...
On 6 April 2015 the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) England Order 2015 (“GPDO”) came into force which removes permitted development rights for some drinking establishments. Permitted...
Final clarity still awaited in Business Interruption Insurance litigation as insurers may yet appeal to the Supreme Court A test case brought to the High Court earlier this year by...
A new National Policy Statement for a forgotten area of infrastructure At a time when Government resources are largely deployed elsewhere, there is one recent development in planning worth noting....
A factory in China has denied it used forced labour after a six-year-old girl found a message from workers inside a Tesco charity Christmas card. Tesco halted production at the...
The automatic extensions for filing deadlines between 27 June 2020 and 5 April 2021 granted by the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic will...
On the 16th November 2020, the Charity Commission published its inquiry into the Kenya Community Support Network (“the Charity”). The Charity Commission opened an inquiry into this Charity having received...
Class Q, Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (“the Order”) grants deemed planning permission for a change of use of...
“He owes me money so why can`t I set that off against the sum awarded by the Adjudicator?” For many, it seems only fair that if someone owes them money,...
In the article “The cost of not talking” we discussed the Court of Appeal’s decision in the case of PGF II SA v OMFS Company 1 Limited (2013), highlighting that...
How an Advocate-General’s Opinion might spell bad news for Christian Louboutin and other owners of non-traditional trade marks An opinion delivered by Advocate-General Maciej Szpunar seems likely to lead the...
On 18 June 2015 at the Family Court in Bristol, (days after he hit the headlines as the Judge who described Rebecca Minnock as utterly irresponsible in going on the...
As the cost of a wedding reaches an average of £30,000, many couples now take out insurance to cover any loss if there is a problem with the venue, the...
Although the golden rule is guidance and good practice for lawyers, it is also useful for clients to understand a solicitor’s role in preparing Wills and the need to use...
Unlike unfair dismissal compensation (which is generally limited to one year’s financial loss) discrimination compensation can also cover non-financial losses which includes an award for “injury to feelings”. In the...
The Government continues to promote the development of housing and two further sets of regulations, The Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 and The Town and Country...
Our Vision: Hull Is This met up with Ralph Gilbert to discuss how Rollits became an established part of Hull’s thriving business scene. The formation of Rollits dates back to...
As of 30 June 2014 the rightto request flexible working will extend to all employees with atleast 26 weeks’ continuous employment. The statutory procedure fordealing with applications for flexible working...
The long running question of when an annexe is not an annexe (or at least, not a separate planning unit) has been revisited in a recent Planning Inspectorate (“PINS”) case...
When contracts are drafted, worryingly, it is not always in the mind of the contracting parties as to what will happen if things go wrong. So what could go wrong?...
The 2012 Budget has introduced a number of new measures that will affect the property industry specifically in relation to high value residential transactions and the payment of Stamp Duty...
The Charity Commission published revised public guidance on conflicts of interest for charity trustees on 15 May 2014. The guidance follows a public consultation and has been developed in light...
The 16 March 2013 saw the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013 coming into force. The new regulations apply to commercial contracts for the supply of goods or services...
The Planning Minister, Nick Boles, has announced further incentives for neighbourhoods that prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. Currently, Parish and Town Councils have the ability to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan which...
It has been a good year for the enterprise management incentive (EMI) scheme. EMI is a tax-advantaged scheme promoted by the government to encourage share participation by employees. It is...
Fundraising is something that all charities must be alert to and it is useful for charities to have diverse income streams. This is not always possible for all types of...
Grounds A, B , C. Not quite as easy as 1, 2, 3 In my article “Seven grounds to oppose a new lease“, I briefly set out the 7 grounds...
When purchasing a property, or purchasing a company with one or more property assets, one important factor which is often overlooked is the planning history of the property and whether...
Companies have been able to purchase their own shares, usually referred to as share buy-backs, for 30 years. Indeed, it may well come as a surprise to many readers that...
Deciding when, how and where to sell a business is a turning point in any owner’s life. Most will only do it once, so it’s important to get it right....
Minimum EPC Rating E needed for tenancies granted after 1 April 2018 From 1 April 2018, it will be unlawful to landlords to grant a new tenancy of private rented...
It is obvious if you do not understand health and safetylaw you are unlikely to comply. Unfortunately it is often complexand detailed. The main Act which forms the basis of...
In November, we published an Article, “AGMs – CIGA 2020 Temporary Provisions” following the extension period in which companies and “other qualifying bodies” – including incorporated charities can hold meetings...
In the article”Branching Out: dealing with encroaching tree branches“(August 2012) I discussed the issue of tree branches that encroach onto a neighbour’s land. In this article, I will focus on...
Our Vision: Hull Is This chats with John Lane, who has seen the firm adapt and evolve enormously over the years. John Lane works in the Private Capital department of...
An interesting case for those with an eye to the relationship between climate change and planning is currently progressing through the High Court. Climate change has been rumbling around the...
Liverpool Football Club (“the Club”) has filed two applications with the Intellectual Property Office (“IPO”) to register the word mark “LIVERPOOL” as a trade mark in the UK. The first...
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