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In a landmark decisiondelivered today by the Employment Appeals Tribunal, the EAT hasruled that holiday pay should include “normal remuneration” whichwill include overtime or commission. This is a decision which...
With the rise of the retirement age in the UK, we are more likely to see an increase in age discrimination cases. Based on a survey undertaken in January 2018...
In a recent case, Ellis vRatcliff Palfinger Ltd the Employment Appeal Tribunal consideredwhether an employee, Mr Ellis had been automatically unfairlydismissed for taking time off to deal with emergencies involvingtheir...
Merlin Attractions Operation Ltd pleaded guilty to health and safety failings at Alton Towers resort and have today been fined £5million with costs to pay of £69,955.40. In total 16...
On 16 October 2019 a developer was fined £300,000 after deliberately removing a 176 year-old giant redwood tree, in addition to 69 other protected trees, in Swansea and on 31...
On 12 June 2013 the Supreme Court delivered their judgment in the long running case of Prest v Petrodel Resources Limited. Mrs Prest, in divorce proceedings, was seeking a substantial...
Renting out space in your commercial property to a third party occupier can be a valuable source of additional income for you. It can also allow you to share the...
I have previously written articles regarding the intended abolition of the ancient method of recovering rent known as distress for rent. This is the long established method for the recovery...
The Government has announced that £17.5 million of funding is to be made available over the next three years (up until March 2015) for local communities to finance a Community...
Outsourcing of Public Sector workers – consultation on new Fair Deal Guidance The government has been consulting on updating its Fair Deal policy, taking the approach that employees that are...
After prolonged delay, it appears as though the charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) is almost finally upon us. Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society confirmed that the draft supporting legal framework...
In previous articles (“Tenancy Deposit Scheme: Court of Appeal clarification upon the deadline for protecting a tenant`s deposit” and “The Tenancy Deposit Scheme: 3 years young”) we looked at the...
The Crown Officer Procurator Fiscal in Scotland has used its powers under the Bribery Act 2010 (“the Act”) to force Abbot Group Limited (“Abbot”) to account for £5.6m of profit...
A report produced by the Solicitors for the Elderly has highlighted how unprepared we are as a nation in terms of making provision regarding our future medical and care needs....
In an equally snow-bound January 2010, we published a piece on our website prompting landowner clients to think about some of the legal issues around the question “To Grit or...
Parties to litigation will be familiar with the principles of Part 36. This key provision in the Civil Procedure Rules is designed to encourage settlement, by entitling litigants who make...
In a world of ever increasing use of digital processing and paper less….. well everything, it’s not just the whereabouts of a Will and the family jewels which we now...
A well-advised buyer of a company or group of companies will often require a tax covenant, often referred to as a tax deed. The tax covenant is a way of...
The Protection from Eviction Act 1977 (“PEA 1977”) was introduced to stop unscrupulous Landlords using heavy handed tactics to remove tenants. Under PEA 1977, it is illegal to threaten or...
In March 2017 Whirlpool UK Appliances Limited (“Whirlpool”) was sentenced to pay a fine of £700,000 having pleaded guilty to an offence pursuant to Section 3(1) of the Health and...
The recent case of The Creative Foundation v Dreamland Leisure Ltd [2015] EWHC 2556 (Ch), made for interesting reading not just for lawyers but for landlords and modern art lovers....
From Monday, 21 March 2016, the following increases will apply to civil Court fees: For possession claims issued in the County Court, the fee will increase from £280 to £355;...
The independent Nuttall Reviewon employee ownership and share buy backs published in July2012 looked at three key aspects surrounding share buy backsbeing 1) the authorisation of share buy backs, 2)...
Over the coming months we will be reporting on the Consumer Rights Act 2015, which is a major piece of legislation coming into force on 1 October 2015. The Act...
The Court of Appeal has overturned the decision of the High Court in the case of R (on the application of West Berkshire DC) v Secretary of State for Communities...
In a June 2014 article “No Express Right to Refund upon Exercise of Break Clause“, we reported upon the Court of Appeal’s decision in the case of Marks and Spencer...
The “new” Electronic Communications Code came into effect on 28 December 2017. Its provisions affect landowners who have masts and telecommunications equipment on their land and it is intended to...
A pilot scheme has beenlaunched which will allow the public and media to gain access toCourt of Protection hearings across England and Wales for the firsttime. The Court of Protection...
Duty to avoid conflicts One of the more high-profile changes introduced by theCompanies Act 2006 was the new duty of directors under section 175to avoid conflicts of interest – a...
The topic of euthanasia hasbeen thrust back into the media spotlight following a decision toreject a right-to-die challenge. The family of late Tony Nicklinsonand Paul Lamb have lost their right-to-die...
On 4 March 2015, the House of Lords approved the Government’s proposals to increase civil court fees. New court fees for civil claims were therefore introduced on Monday, 9 March...
Gift Aid is the scheme whereby a charity can reclaim the basic rate of tax paid by donors who are UK tax payers and who have paid an equivalent amount...
We are all aware of the difficulties that the current economic climate poses for property development. Funding shortages affect developers and end users alike, and hinder the delivery of new...
How Toblerone’s redesign could leave greater gaps in its maker’s Trade Mark protection in the UK. In October this year, Toblerone brand owner Mondelez announced that in order to control...
Developers familiar with negotiating planning obligations know to look out for certain things. For a large housing development there are likely to be affordable housing provisions, open space contributions and...
On 18 March 2020, as part of the raft of measures being introduced in response to the Coronavirus, the Government announced that it would be introducing emergency legislation that would...
A woman whose marriage brokedown more than 30 years ago has won the right to seek a lump sumfrom her ex-husband who became a millionaire more than a decadeafter they...
Rollits` planning team is seeing more and more enquiries about small scale renewable energy proposals. Most relate to PV panel installation, but some householders and small business are looking seriously...
On 4 June 2020 Companies House updated its guidance for companies and announced temporary changes to its striking off policies and approach to late filing penalties in a further attempt...
The Department of Health reports that 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health issue at some point in our lives. Stress has been reported as one of...
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