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Rollits` planning team is seeing more and more enquiries about small scale renewable energy proposals. Most relate to PV panel installation, but some householders and small business are looking seriously...
On 4 June 2020 Companies House updated its guidance for companies and announced temporary changes to its striking off policies and approach to late filing penalties in a further attempt...
The Department of Health reports that 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health issue at some point in our lives. Stress has been reported as one of...
Finance Act 2012 introduced a brand new tax relief for individual investing in small trading companies between 6 April 2012 and 5 April 2017. It is called Seed Enterprise Investment...
Following recent consultations the Government hasannounced that a fee structure for Employment Tribunals will beimplemented in the summer of 2013. There will be two levels under the feestructure: Level 1...
In these times of austerity, more and more property owners are becoming reluctant Landlords of residential properties. Also,existing private residential Landlords who currently utilise property management organisations, faced with increasing...
The Times recently reported that handbag / leathergoods maker Radley had commenced High Court proceedings against discount retailer Poundworld over one of the latter’s products. Radley’s bags feature a small...
In our June 2014 article No Express Right to Refund upon Exercise of Break Clause, we reported upon the Court of Appeal’s decision in the case of Marks and Spencer...
Biodiversity net-gain has been lurking around the peripheries of planning and environmental protection for some time. However, with the Environment Bill continuing its journey through parliament this autumn, the concept...
Trespass to land involves aperson unjustifiably interfering with land which is in theimmediate and exclusive possession of another. Usually, it consistsof a person entering upon land belonging to a third...
On Monday the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators (IFLA)launched the Family Law Arbitration Children Scheme to strengthenthe use of arbitration relating to family disputes. Arbitration enables parties to resolve disputes...
Charities with an annual income over £10,000 have to publish an annual return. The Charity Commission has made new proposals which will affect charities on or after 1 January 2018...
None of us want to become embroiled in a dispute, whether it be in our private lives or through our businesses. It is an unwelcome distraction that can be extremely...
In recent articles we commented on how, historically, water infrastructure has been neglected. However, following the recent consultation on the new National Planning Statement and amendments to the Planning Act...
A couple of weeks ago the Legal Aid Agency issued the new Means 7 Form. This is the form that has to be completed to determine whether a client is...
In September 2012, I wrote a brief article which explained what the possible consequences would be following the introduction of a new regime called Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (“CRAR”). The...
In May 2019 the Court of Appeal determined yet another case of Proprietary Estoppel. The moral to the story … if you want to avoid the risk of litigation and...
Legal Professional Privilege: The Man from the Pru rebuffed by the Supreme Court In a previous article ” Legal Professional Privilege: Prudential Progress to the Supreme Court” we briefly discussed...
A Limited Liability Partnership is becoming a more attractive legal structure now more than ever in light of the Covid-19 developments and as a result of the increased desire for...
The Deregulation Bill 2015 (“the Bill”), which recently had its final reading in the House of Lords will, if introduced in its present form, have a significant impact upon Landlords...
The High Court has upheld that a man is entitled to his aunt’s residuary estate, despite the Will leaving the residuary estate to seven animal charities. Mr Kenneth King lived...
Khan v LBC: High Court confirms the relevant test when determining a tree owner’s liability for tree root damage In my previous article “Rooting for Trouble” (October 2012), I discussed...
The Charities Act 2006 removed the legal presumption that all charities with aims for the advancement of education, religion and relief of poverty are for the public benefit. All charities...
The regime to be followed when registering charges created by companies and LLP’s has been changed with effect from today (6 April 2013) following a series of Government consultations on...
D-Day for the UK leaving the European Union is rapidly approaching. As March 2019 draws closer, more and more predictions are being made about the potential effects Brexit could have...
Elizabeth Denham became the new UK Information Commissioner on Monday 18 July 2016. Less than three months into the role she has issued TalkTalk with a monetary penalty of £400,000...
The Office for National Statistics figures published today callfor a change in the law in relation to cohabiting couples accordingto the family law group Resolution. Figures show that there are...
A recent Court of Appeal case has held that, contrary to the belief of many that private parking charges are unenforceable penalties at law, in certain circumstances such charges may...
In the recent case of Porton Capital Technology Funds and Others v 3M UK Holdings and 3M Company, the High Court considered the meaning of a contractual term that “consent...
All firms involved in the sale of Payment Protection Insurance should brace themselves for an influx of potential new complaints in respect of mis-selling as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)...
Reproducing videos and broadcasts on social media and websites is a practice which has become increasingly common in recent years. Indeed there are websites (some of them very successful and...
The Advocate-General (AG), who advises Europe’s top court, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) last week delivered a potentially significant opinion to the Court in litigation referred...
It perhaps doesn’t slip off the tongue in the same way as the traditional proposal, however, from the 31 December 2019 opposite sex couples will be permitted for the first...
York Business Week Open for Business – Friday 19 November 2010 As part of York Business Week, our York office is hosting anopen day between 10am and 2pm. This will...
This is the standard required of consumer credit advertising. On 1 April 2014 the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”) became responsible for supervising businesses that provide credit to consumers. Since...
As most employers are awareboth pregnant employees and agency workers have the right to attendante-natal appointments. However, the right to attend suchappointments is being extended with effect from 1 October...
On 15 April 2015 The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (“the GPDO”) will come into force which will amend the law relating to permitted development rights....
As from 22 April 2014 a Single Family Court will deal with all family cases. Instead of a Court Application being made to either the Family Proceedings Court (Magistrates), the...
With the political landscape and future of the UK in a state of flux, it’s hard for organisations to determine what, if anything, they should be doing to prepare at...
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Extension of the Relevant Period) Regulations 2020 (“Regulations”) came into force on 29 September 2020. The new Regulations are important as they...
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