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On 24 February 2016 in the case of DB v DLJ [2016] EWHC 324 Mr Justice Mostyn rejected a Wife’s arguments and confirmed division of assets as determined by a...
In a previous article “Taylor Made Remedy to Landlord Headaches“, we discussed the Court of Appeal’s decision in the case of Spencer v Taylor, highlighting that the Court of Appeal...
As Coronavirus (COVID-19) is declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, the government announced, as part of its Spring 2020 Budget, specific coronavirus related measures in order to try...
The Chancellor has announcedin today’s Budget that every primary and secondary school inEngland must be, or be in the process of becoming, an academy by2020 and that legislation to this...
The HSE have recently issued a consultation document(response is due no later than the 14 October 2011) on theprinciple of recovering the cost of their work. This is knownformally as...
You cannot run and you cannot hide; social media is here to stay. The ability to instantaneously voice an opinion to thousands worldwide may seem liberating, but what happens when...
On the 6 April 2011, in family cases, a new procedure was instigated requiring all potential applicants to consider the possibility of mediation to resolve disputes in connection with the...
Trade mark owners could be at risk of their brands being sullied as a result of a new `.xxx` domain name. Domain names such as .com, .org and .net have...
The Government has published two sets of Regulations that will bring into force the right to paid bereavement leave for parents on the death of a child under 18. The...
75 years after the Nuremberg Trials, a new international crime of “Ecocide”? A new move to criminalise mass damage and destruction of ecosystems or ‘ecocide’ has taken a step forward....
In the light of the unexpected closure of Kids Company the Charity Commission has updated its guidance CC19, Charity Reserves. The updated guidance advises trustees to factor in the risk...
The case of Sirhowy Investments Limited v (1) Henderson and (2) Knight (2014) has provided a further reminder of the pitfalls of an onerous break clause, the Tenants’ failure to...
As we approach the Christmas season, many separated couples will be working through the details of who should spend time with the children and when during the holidays. The end...
Regular readers of our articles, and those that keep themselves up to date on Commercial Landlord and Tenant issues generally, will be aware that the measures introduced in response to...
On 7 September 2016 the Neighbourhood Planning Bill 2016-2017 received its first reading in the House of Commons. The aim of the Bill is to free up more land to...
The Court of Appeal’s recent judgment in the case of South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust v Laindon Holdings Limited (2016) has highlighted that the failure to adequately restrict...
Companies House are urging companies to file their accounts early via the online filing system in order to avoid delays and subsequent penalties. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,...
The National Minimum Wageincrease will take effect on 1 October 2015. For workers who are aged 21or over, from £6.50 to £6.70 per hour. For workers who are aged 18or...
Alongside annexes, ‘curtilages’ are another peculiarity of planning. A recent Planning Inspectorate case (Holdsworth Croft, dated 12 June 2019, reference APP/A4710/X/18/3218370) has shone some light on this, in the context...
The Equality Act 2010 contains provisions permitting lawful “positive action”. This principle is designed to apply where persons who share a protected characteristic suffer a disadvantage, have particular needs or...
The Court has held that a right of way was not extinguished by an earlier oral agreement between the benefitting and burdening landowners, in the case of Pezaro and another...
Two Planning Inspectorate decisions have shed some light on a couple of definitions that periodically crop up in planning matters. When is a village not a village? The answer, it...
What are the current systems? Land and property in the UK can either be registered at the Land Registry or unregistered. When a property is registered, this means that the...
Following the recent employment tribunal’s decision in Norwich, it was ruled that ethical veganism is a philosophical belief and is therefore protected by the Equality Act. With the rise in...
HM Treasury have announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), which was due to end on the 31 October 2020 before later being extended to 2 December 2020, has...
Although not technically a penthouse, a recent case concerning the conversion of a piggery into a dwelling house merits attention, as it raises the familiar question of whether planning permission...
Wimbledon and weddings epitomise the British summer and from 1 July couples will have the choice of getting married outside at an approved venue for the first time. Indoors or...
The Department of Energy and Climate Change opened itsconsultation on Feed-in Tariffs for Solar PV as part of thecomprehensive review on renewable energy subsidy on 31 October2011. The intent expressed...
Not deterred by the failure oftheir first Judicial Review in relation to the introduction ofEmployment Tribunal fees, UNISON raised a second challenge in theHigh Court. The High Court, however,dismissed the...
Under English law people are entitledto represent themselves in civil proceedings; there is nothing toprevent a person representing themselves in the English courtswithout a solicitor. The number of parties representing...
In the recent case of Base Childrenswear Ltd v Otshudi, an employer was penalised for failing to follow the ACAS Code of Practice which resulted in the maximum uplift to...
Measures to protect Tenant’s from the impact of Covid-19 due to expire Landlords and Tenants of commercial and residential properties will be waiting with bated breath over the coming days...
New measures are expected shortly for electric vehicle charge points for residential and non-residential development On 22 November the Government issued its Consultation Response on Electric Vehicle Charges Points in...
On 17 December 2015, Minister of State for Civil Justice, Lord Faulks QC, delivered the long awaited ministerial statement regarding the reforms to litigation funding in regarding to insolvency proceedings;...
Does your organisation operate outside of the United Kingdom? If so, have you protected your trade mark(s) in all countries in which your organisation trades or wishes to trade in...
In the recent case of Millgate Developments Limited and another v Smith and another, Re: Exchange House, Woodlands Park Avenue, Maidenhead [2016] UKUT 515 (LC), the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)...
Following on from our earlier article about this new means of charging businesses for the time spent by a Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”) Inspector visiting a business and identifying...
On 24 July 2018 Mr Justice Holman reminded family lawyers that it is plainly unfair for one party to use their financial superiority as a lever against a financial disadvantaged...
As we enter the holiday season, recent statistics have been provided by the Trade Unions Congress (TUC) which suggests that one in twelve workers do not take the time off...
A partnership is the relationship which exists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view to a profit. A partnership will usually automatically exist in such circumstances...
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