Workplace Training
We regularly undertake workplace training for managers. We have detailed below some of the most popular.
- Equality Act Training
- An understanding of the key protected characteristics including:
- sex;
- age;
- race;
- disability.
- Discrimination issues that could arise during the recruitment process.
- Different types of discrimination (direct, indirect, harassment and victimisation).
- Specific focus on harassment in the workplace.
- Employer’s vicarious liability.
- Employee’s personal liability.
- Reasonable steps which are necessary to be able to defend a discrimination claim.
- An understanding of the key protected characteristics including:
- Dealing with Disciplinary Issues and Grievances:
- who are the appropriate people to conduct the disciplinary process;
- how to conduct a disciplinary investigation and disciplinary hearing;
- the role of the employee’s representative;
- applying a disciplinary sanction;
- the appeal process;
- Confidentiality;
- how to deal with a grievance complaint;
- who should conduct grievance hearings; and
- how to manage the outcome of a grievance complaint.
- Performance Management and Long Term Sickness Absence:
- the importance of the probationary period;
- implementing and maintain appraisal procedures;
- managing poor performing employees;
- capability procedures to follow in the event of poor performance;
- managing short and long term sickness;
- obtaining medical evidence;
- capability procedures to follow in the event of long term sickness absence; and
- disability discrimination arising out of long term sick issues.
- TUPE Training
- Recognising a TUPE transfer
- Business Transfers
- Service Provision Changes
- Organised Groupings of workers
- Disputing a TUPE transfer
- Measures
Get in touch with our employment team in York and Hull
To speak to one of our business employment experts please call one of our offices in Hull 01482 323239 or York 01904 625790 or simply fill in the form and we'll get back to you.