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Divorce Financial Settlement Solicitors

Going through a divorce can be difficult, and when you’re feeling stressed and emotional, dealing with practical matters can quickly become overwhelming. The idea of sorting out your finances might feel daunting, however, officially and legally separating your finances from those of your ex-spouse is incredibly important.

At Rollits we are specialists in divorce financial settlements, we can help you to reach a financial agreement, providing advice and support to help you safeguard your finances, and put your best interests first.

Our solicitors will always take a personalised approach, dealing with your matters as sensitively and compassionately as possible. It is always our aim to offer swift solutions, resolving your legal issues as smoothly and quickly as we can.

Specifically, we can provide divorce and financial settlement support in the following ways:

  • Financial settlement legal advice
  • Support to reach a voluntary financial agreement
  • Applying for a Financial Order

Get in touch with our divorce financial settlement solicitors in York and Hull

To receive legal support for divorce financial settlements, please get in touch with our specialist divorce solicitors. From our offices in both Hull and York, we support clients in Yorkshire and the surrounding area, as well as nationally and internationally.

Call us in Hull on (0)1482 323239 or in York on (0)1904 625790.  Alternatively, you can fill in our contact form and one of our lawyers will get back to you.

Our divorce financial settlement solicitors services

Divorce financial settlement advice

Before you enter into any discussions and negotiations with your ex-spouse, it is likely that you will need legal advice and support. Our specialists at Rollits can provide legal advice tailored to your circumstances, including guidance on how to best protect your finances.

We can also provide specialist support with any divorce settlement issues you are experiencing, for instance, disputes regarding child maintenance, or if you have reason to believe that your ex-spouse is hiding assets.

To find out how we could help you today, please get in touch with our specialist divorce and finances solicitors at Rollits.

Voluntary financial agreement

Our expert divorce settlement solicitors can assist you to reach a voluntary financial agreement with your ex-partner. The associated processes involve discussion and negotiation, and are facilitated using alternative dispute resolution processes such as mediation or collaborative law.

We can support you to reach a financial agreement during divorce on a voluntary basis, determining how a wide range of assets will be divided including property, trusts, pensions, businesses, as well as how debts and liabilities will be handled.

Financial Order

Not all divorcing couples will be able to agree a divorce settlement between themselves, whether due to the complexity of their financial situation, or conflict surrounding the divorce. In circumstances such as these it will be necessary to apply to the Court for a Financial Order. Essentially this means that the Court will decide on how the divorcing couples’ assets will be split.

Before applying to the Court for a Financial Order, it is usually necessary for the couple to attend a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting to determine whether or not the case might be suitable for mediation.

A Financial Order is used to determine how assets are divided, including investments, savings, property, pensions, and may also cover child maintenance payments.

At Rollits we can provide assistance throughout the entire process, from making the application to preparing your case for a hearing, and providing legal guidance on any Financial Order that is approved by the Court.

Why choose our divorce and financial settlement solicitors?

When you choose to work with our team at Rollits, you’ll receive a tailor-made service from friendly, dedicated, and efficient solicitors. We always deliver advice in plain English, ensuring that you have a careful understanding of our processes and your position.

At Rollits, we have over 180 years of experience in the legal industry. We value our reputation, which we owe to the high-quality service we’ve consistently provided over the years.

When you choose us to provide support with your divorce settlement, you can have confidence that we will always put your best interests first.

Our financial settlement service fees

We base our prices on the excellent quality of service that we provide, aligned with the assistance you require, and your personal circumstances.

Before we begin working on your matter, we'll give you a clear idea of the costs involved so you can plan accordingly.

To discuss our fees today, please get in touch using the contact details below.

Frequently asked questions about financial settlements

How long does a financial divorce settlement take?

The time it takes to reach a financial settlement depends on the details of your case, such as how complicated your financial situation is and whether there are any disagreements

Usually where the situation is amicable, and the finances are straightforward, the divorcing couple should be capable of reaching a financial agreement between themselves in a few months.

Where it is not possible to resolve matters out of Court, and you need to apply for a Financial Order, this can add a considerable amount of time to the process.

How is a divorce settlement calculated?

In the UK, a divorce settlement is calculated according to what is considered as fair in the circumstances. Various factors are closely considered to make a fair calculation, including:

  • The extent to which each party contributed to the marriage, for instance, contributions toward the family home, and bringing up the children, as well as financial input
  • The financial resources and needs of each person
  • The standard of living experienced by the couple before their relationship broke down
  • The overall health of both parties, including any disabilities or health conditions that either may have
  • How long the couple have been married, as well as how old they both are

Our financial settlement solicitors can answer any questions you may have on how divorce settlements are calculated, and what you can expect.

How is the family property divided during a divorce?

Dividing the family property is not always straightforward. No matter whether the home is owned by one party, or by both spouses, the property counts as a marital asset either way, and is therefore included in the divorce settlement.

How the family property is split depends on the case, in a typical UK divorce settlement the options include.

  • One of the spouses buys the other spouse out, and consequently keeps the property
  • One of the spouses keeps the property, and in exchange, the other spouse retains a larger share of a different asset
  • The family property is sold, and the funds are split, (the share that the parties receive will reflect the financial agreement reached)

If you have concerns about what will happen to the family home, please speak to our divorce and separation solicitors at Rollits.

Get in touch with our divorce financial settlement solicitors in York and Hull

To receive legal support for divorce financial settlements, please contact our specialist divorce solicitors. From our offices in both Hull and York, we support clients in Yorkshire and the surrounding area, as well as nationally and internationally.

Call us in Hull on (0)1482 323239 or in York on (0)1904 625790.  Alternatively, you can fill in our contact form and one of our lawyers will get back to you.