A date for your diary – Rollits Big Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan Big Coffee Morning
Friday, 30 September 2011
11am - 12 noon at Rollits offices in Hull andYork
The World`s Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan CancerSupport`s biggest fundraising event. People and organisationsacross the UK hold a coffee morning, where donations on the day aremade to Macmillan. Last year 43,000 people signed up to hold acoffee morning, raising over £8 million.
This year we are organising our own "Big Coffee Morning" atboth Hull and York offices to raise money for Macmillan, so pleasecome along and join us between 11am and 12 noon and help us to makeour event a huge success.
Please let us know if you can come!
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