Business tees up for charity at Rollits Charity Golf Day
Yorkshire businesses will be competing on the golf coursewhen they tee off for charity in a tournament organised by Hullcommercial law firm Rollits, on Thursday, 5 July 2012 at BroughGolf Club.
Now in its 24th year, the tournament is being held to raisefunds for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign and Dove House Hospice,and always attracts a variety of teams from across theregion.
The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign is the leading UK charityfocusing on muscle disease. It has pioneered the search fortreatments and cures for over 50 years, and is dedicated toimproving the lives of all children and adults affected by muscledisease. It funds world-class research to find effective treatmentsand cures; provides free practical and emotional support; campaignsto raise awareness and bring about change and awards grants towardsthe cost of specialist equipment, such as poweredwheelchairs.
Dove House Hospice provides specialist palliative care toadults over 18 years old with a life limiting illness. All of theservices the hospice are free of charge to patients and theirfamilies. Each year the hospice receives funding to provide 81 daysof care - the rest of the funding comes from the general public andother fundraising initiatives within the community.
Rollits Senior Partner Steve Trynka said: "The Rollits GolfDay at Brough is always very popular amongst local businesses. Overthe years we have raised in excess of £100,000 and in the course ofthe day provide some friendly competition between Yorkshire`sbusiness people while raising funds for two extremely worthycauses."
The competition is a medal event for teams of four, with thebest two net scores on each hole to count. The tournament is forteams of four and costs £230. This includes green fees as well as athree course meal plus wine after the round.
There are still some places available and any teamsinterested in entering should contact Pat Coyle of Rollits on 01482323239 or email moc.s1735865713tillo1735865713r@ely1735865713oc.ta1735865713p1735865713 for further details and anentry form.
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