Chris completes Tough Mudder challenge in just four hours banner


Chris completes Tough Mudder challenge in just four hours

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Chris completes Tough Mudder challenge in just four hours

Lawyer Chris Harding who worksin the firm's Dispute Resolution team took part in the "ToughMudder" last weekend to raise money for the Teenage CancerTrust.

Tough Mudder is a 12 mileassault course designed by the British Special Forces containing 22obstacles which included running through electric cables,submerging yourself in freezing cold water, crawling through pitchblack trenches, climbing over 12 foot high walls and runningthrough miles of mud which comes up to your knees onoccasions.

Chris says: "I organised witha group of friends to complete an event known as Tough Mudder inorder to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust who have been agreat help to one of my best friends who is currently battling withHodgkin's Lymphoma.

"We all trained hard for theevent and were pleased to complete the challenge in fourhours."

Any donations to Chris's JustGiving website would be greatly appreciated -

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