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Fast track to a strong future for renewables

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Fast track to a strong future for renewables

CHANGES to planning laws will help the Humber region dealwith the growing number of developments related to renewableenergy. New planning rules mean the area is better prepared for theoften hi-tech and sensitive building projects connected with greenenergy. But developers must ensure they invest properly in detailedconsultation and survey work to help the chances of a new buildingproposal being successful.

It comes as a new order is rolled out this week relaxingplanning requirements in a key development area of Hull. The movewill allow outline planning permission to be granted in the city`snew Enterprise Zone covering the eastern docks, which is earmarkedfor renewables-related business, without developers having to applyfor formal council approval.

Mark Dixon, Head of Planning & Development at Rollitssaid "This, together with other changes to England`s planning laws,such as the National Planning Policy Framework - brought in lastweek by the Government - will help the Humber`s emerging renewableenergy industry.

"The Humber region is far better-geared now, compared to asrecently as just two years ago, to handle these new developments.Some of the changes in policy means there is now a presumption infavour of sustainable development.

"This is extremely significant if the region is to become atrue centre of renewables and see growth in thisindustry."

Mark is one of the speakers at the "Renewing The Humber"green energy business conference on May 1, at Hull`s KC Stadium. Atthe event, companies working in the renewables industry are toreceive advice on topics related to the sector`s growth, includinginnovation, cost-reduction and planning - an issue some businessessay can slow down potential expansion.

Rollits has extensive renewables knowledge, includingworking with many Yorkshire landowners on wind farms, helpingagricultural clients to maximise the returns offered by windenergy. We also have significant experience in biomass,photovoltaic (PV) technology, combined heat and power plants,hydroelectricity and developments throughout the associated supplychains.

Mark comments "Planning applications relating to renewableenergy projects typically need a lot of preparation. The success ofa development relates to how much preparatory work has been donebefore an application is presented to a planningauthority.

"Developers have to be very proactive and engage with thepublic and the most sensitive receptors through consultativeprocesses. The application needs to be `front-loaded` with detailedenvironmental assessments and surveys, from reports on transportand noise to wildlife and the impact on the landscape.

"This can be expensive and time consuming, but it`s aninvestment that can really help the chances of planningsuccess."

This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.

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This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.
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