Green energy champions recognised at Humber Renewables Awards banner


Green energy champions recognised at Humber Renewables Awards

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Green energy champions recognised at Humber Renewables Awards

It is the second time the event has been held, with the aim ofhighlighting the work already going on in the fast-paced sector,which is increasingly a feature of the region's economy.

The evening, organised by Footprint Renewables, was held on 1March 2013, and Rollits sponsored the Humber Renewable ChampionAward- one of ten accolades presented on the night.

The ceremony, attended by 160 business leaders and decisionsmakers at The Deep in Hull, began with a video address from EnergyMinister John Hayes.

He praised the Humber region for embracing sustainable power,saying it could lead to hundreds of jobs and a technologyrevolution.

Mr Hayes said: "Renewables already help to deliver energysecurity and green growth.

"Across the UK, renewable technologies could create up to150,000 jobs across the country.

"I'm pleased to note many of those jobs and a significant amountof investment are in your area."

The Rollits-backed Humber Renewables Champion award was won bythe University of Hull.

The university has invested more than £1m in renewables researchover the past two years and judges said it was "advancing thestature, potential and reputation of the Humber, both nationallyand internationally".

Partner NeilFranklin, representing Rollits at the event, announced thewinner and handed over the trophy.

He said "The Humber Renewables Awards provided a great example,for the second year running, of the excellent work already going onin green energy across the region.

"Rollits supports this work and we were delighted to be involvedwith this high profile event again.

"Congratulations to all of the finalists and winners."

Other winners included solar energy companies, schools, largebusinesses working in offshore renewables and industry-leading windpower technicians.

In a speech congratulating the winners and thanking the sponsorsfor their support, Footprint Renewables account director AndrewMorton said: "Bit by bit, we are seeing green energy emerge as acrucial part of the Humber's economic landscape.

"This activity means it's even more important to pause, cometogether once in a while and chart our region's progress.

"If renewables is a signature industry of the Humber, then itneeds its own awards event to match."

He added: "My appreciation and sincere thanks goes to anincredible set of sponsors of the event and awards.

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