Work Experience Blog: Amy Buttrick
I was very excited to start mytwo-week vacation scheme at Rollits, having previously spent a fewdays at the firm in 2012 on work experience, which I loved. Having the opportunity to return for another placement but withmore legal knowledge and experience this time round was therefore afantastic prospect. Now at the end of the placement I canhappily say Rollits surpassed all expectations once again and is afirm I greatly admire. The vacation scheme provided a uniqueopportunity to experience a 'mini training contract' during which Ispent three days in each of the firm's core departments.
I was based at the Hull Officeand upon arrival on my first morning I felt very nervous. Howeverafter meeting my work experience colleague and being introduced tothe firm's trainees, I began to feel settled. After theintroductory session we were given a guided tour of the office byHollie Burnett (a current trainee) whomade us feel very welcome and introduced us to each department. Iwas then taken to my first seat - dispute resolution. I wasvery excited to spend time in this department, as it is an area oflaw that interests me a lot. The whole of the dispute teammade me feel very welcome. Throughout the three days I was given avariety of work from conducting research for new cases that hadjust come in to drafting letters and putting together a particularof claim. Hollie was always on hand to answer questions, offerfriendly advice and ensure I felt part of the team during the shorttime I was in the department!
On the second day of thevacation scheme the work experience student based at the YorkOffice travelled to Hull. We were introduced after lunch and in theafternoon took some time out of our first seats to attend threeinformal presentations. I found each one very informative asthey showed Rollits is a business as well as a law firm. I learntthat there are other roles as well as the fee earners within a lawfirm that are crucial to ensure success.
On the fourth day of theplacement after my first seat in disputes it was time for my workexperience colleague and I to visit the York Office for the day.When we arrived we were given a tour of the office which althoughsmall was a fantastic place and, due to it's location by the canal,was rather picturesque. We then received a very interestingmarketing talk that again showed Rollits really is more then just alaw firm. Lunch at Masons was lovely and a great opportunity tosocialise outside of the office. We finished the day by presentingideas we had for the marketing of Rollits. Our points seemed to bevalued and the whole day was a real success!
On the Friday of the firstweek I began my second seat in the property and private capitaldepartment. After studying a couple of modules linked to this areaof law recently, I was interested to see the practical side to itas I often found the academic side to be dry. Dealing with reallife matters, however, turned out to be different and I thoroughlyenjoyed all the work I was given. During this seat I was able toconduct more research, draft a detailed planning permissionobjection letter and assist Ewan (a trainee) in anywork he was given.
My final seat was in thecompany and commercial department, I was excited about this as Ihave elected for modules in my final year that heavily focus onthese areas of law. I was very busy with real life work right frommy first morning. John Flanagan (a partner) involved meover the three days in work he was conducting. I helped with thedrafting of a business guarantee, attended a meeting with clientsto take notes and afterwards write up the file note and on my finalday dealt with stock transfers and the drafting and sending of aletter. I loved the time I spent in the company and commercialdepartment and the opportunity I had to carry out real life work, avery rewarding experience.
At the end of the week theother work experience students and I delivered our chosenpresentations. I found this to be really enjoyable and a great wayto end my time at the firm. All in all, my time at Rollits wasinvaluable! I cannot recommend it highly enough to any aspiringsolicitor!
Amy Buttrick, 2ndyear Law, University of Liverpool
This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.